Saint Michael is officially accredited by the Middle States Association Commission on Elementary Schools. The first step in the accreditation process is a year-long self-study. It is based on what we believe our mission to be. As part of this section, we also take a closer look at the nature of the school community so that its philosophy, appraisal, and evaluation may ultimately be put within a fair perspective for accreditation. We evaluate what we offer our students and how we implement our philosophy. In other words, what do we do to make our mission succeed? The self-study gives us a chance to discover ourselves.
The next step is the actual evaluation by a Middle States Visiting team, made up of educators. The school has developed a clear set of goals and the plans to achieve those goals. We will use this plan to improve our school where we need improvement while maintaining the strengths that we discovered through the accreditation process. By becoming accredited by the Middle States Association, we have assured ourselves that we have a well-defined mission and we have the tools and organization to implement that mission. In areas where improvement is needed, we are actively striving to improve; where we are strong, we are ensuring that we remain strong. In short, accreditation means that Saint Michael can only get better–and it will get better, not just for today, but for tomorrow. Above all, accreditation shows that Saint Michael’s cares enough about its children that it seeks an objective unbiased evaluation. It wants to be sure that it is doing what is best for its children and their future. A Middle States Visiting Team assessed our self study in Fall 2023. The MSA Team has recommended to the commission that SMS be reaccrediated in the spring.